Positive Attendance
Attendance can be simply defined – it's having employees at work, on time, as scheduled. Yet it has become a complex problem for many businesses. What's so hard about getting people to come to work? Plenty – if you believe most of the attendance philosophies used by businesses.
Our approach achieves near immediate results!
Points and No-Fault Systems: Do They Work?
Most attendance systems spend a great deal of time and effort on categorizing and record keeping. Traditional systems elaborately classify absences as "excused" and "unexcused", require physician's notes for illness, proof of death for bereavement, and assign points for absences. Aside from the negative message that such practices send to employees about the organization's trust in them, they're also ineffective. Employees rapidly learn to manipulate these "point" systems. As a result, so-called "no fault" systems that do not distinguish between absences have been created to prevent employees from "beating the system."
In these, all absences are counted equally. An arbitrary number of "acceptable" absences is set – with no consideration of the employee's work history and performance. Most of these systems require extensive record keeping, have specific punitive measures to ensure compliance – and still fail to improve attendance. Why?
Punishment and other(DE)Motivators
The answer lies in the real goal of these systems: Is the goal to correct deficiencies and retain valued employees, or is it to punish offenders? While we'd like to believe your goal is the former, most systems often make it appear that it's the latter.
Assess the effectiveness of your current system by asking yourself:
Do you find yourself taking disciplinary action against solid employees who have a short-term problem, while those with chronic attendance issues continue to "walk the line" for years?
Do other solid employees express concern or frustration when this happens?
Do supervisors delay dealing with attendance until the problem becomes acute, or until HR intervenes?
Is attendance improving?
A Different Approach
The 95/5 Positive Attendance system replaces the ineffective and punitive point and no-fault approaches with a problem-solving model focused on real performance improvement
Eliminates characterizing of absences as "excused" which justifies non-attendance
Avoids establishing a level of absences "acceptable"
Replaces punitive suspensions and warnings with a four-step coaching and problem-solving approach
Focuses on spotting problem patterns of attendance, not on isolated incidences
Achieves "win/win" solutions and real improvements.